LREF 2024 – Partner Information

LREF Insight Mailer Content

As Partners of LREF, we’d like to include content from you for our upcoming monthly insight mailers.

Key quotes/content should include up to 30 words, a title, 1 image (4:3) and a link.

We suggest sharing content around: your long-term thinking and strategy; anything you’ve been working on, plan to discuss at the conference, linking to the theme: Reimagine, or what you feel is a high priority for the industry, your existing content, such as links to research, key quotes, blog pieces, / press releases relating to projects you want to showcase at LREF.

Here are links to the previous mailers from LREF from this year, which should give you an idea of the types of content we are looking for:

Feb Insight #1
March Insight #2
April Insight #3
May Insight #4
June Insight #5
July Insight #6


Upcoming content deadlines for inclusion are:

Insight #7, August – content deadline: EOD Fri 9 Aug

Insight #8, September – content deadline: EOD Fri 6 Sep

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